Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merriment & Mayhem

Today was one of the 2 Sundays of the year when our church joins the 8:00 Mass and the 10:30 Mass into one 9:30 service. We got home early and the girls started in on crafts. After working together to make a foam train Mary Clare announced that we had to string popcorn because "everybody does it." Huh? Well I guess everyone in the hundred acre woods does it and that's good enough for her. Lee popped a huge bowl and the girls strung popcorn and cranberries for the tree that sits by the fireplace. It's name is Bruce - I don't know why but that's what MC calls it. Lee made some yummy potato and leek soup for lunch and our neighbor brought cornbread cakes. Aa-Aa, whose visits are nearly anticipated as much as Santa Claus's, arrived with Christmas puppets. The girls took the white fur from the puppet kits and a Santa hat and decorated Aa-Aa as that jolly old elf. I actually got some great pictures of them sitting on "Santa's" lap but will respect Aa-Aa's wishes to not be on the blog. Still if tomorrow's mall Santa sessions goes poorly she might just end up on the Christmas card. My mom and Steve came over after work and brought the girls some fun Christmas books, ornaments and a plate and a cup just for Santa's cookies and milk. MC was asked repeatedly to put down the cup, refused, dropped the cup and it broke. There were many tears but little remorse and MC was sent to her room for the rest of the night.

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