Thursday, December 18, 2008

Deck Your Toilets

We headed out into the country for our annual pre-Christmas dinner with good friends and their grandson. Mary Clare has adored J since they went to Tweetsie together when she was 2. They can go months without seeing each other and just fall right back into buddy mode the moment they meet up and once Margaret Rose came home she was immediately accepted and the twosome became a threesome. We knew we were in trouble when we pulled into the driveway and the girls started in on how Miss Alice had decorated her outside. We've really dropped the ball on the decorating this year - I just don't know where the time has gone. Miss Alice and Mr. Mike have a log house and it is just the perfect backdrop for their decorations. We knew just how slack we'd been howevver when Mary Clare went to the bathroom and reported with a huge, disappointed sigh, "Even Miss Alice's bathroom is festive!!!"
The girls loved giving J his present. Mary Clare went to the store with me today to pick it out and was the most perfect child. When offered a toy to play with while I browsed she told the clerk, "No thank you. I cannot touch anything." She stayed right with me the entire time in this gorgeous toy store and never once asked for a thing. She was completely focused on finding the perfect gift for her friend and finally decided on adding to J's ever growing arsenal with a marshmallow shooting bow and arrow. Then she asked if we could go to the grocery store and buy some ammunition. We ended up picking out the wrong size marshmallows as the box didn't say which size to get and the ones pictures looked large to me. J was a really good sport about our mistake. He's a terrific little boy!

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