Monday, March 10, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

Did everyone else have as much trouble waking up this morning as we did? Margaret Rose nearly had to be dragged from her bed and she's usually one to wake up quickly and cheerfully.
Mary Clare made a valiant effort at getting up after being told that Max's ants (from the Max and Ruby books by Rosemary Wells) had last been seen marching down the hallway toward her macaroni cheese. Once at the table, however, she told us her eyes couldn't stay up and were going back to bed. I completely understood!

The upside is, of course, that the girls got to play outside until 7:30 tonight. They love their playhouse and their ponies and being outside. I know we'll get use to the time change - but I sure don't look forward to the girls' 6:00 am wake up call.

Pony kisses!

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