Saturday, March 29, 2008


Our girls love to cook and they had a great time making cupcakes with Baba.
Margaret Rose read "Ruby's Beauty Shop"- their current literary favorite- to Mary Clare while they waited for the cupcakes to bake.
Then frost,
sprinkle, and eat!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Painting and Picnic

The weather was gorgeous today and I took half a day from work to come home and spend the afternoon with my favorite people. The girls wanted to paint and have a picnic. Mary Clare's picture was all blue handprints and Margaret Rose decided to paint her sister's portrait. I think it looks just like her! Pickles and veggie dogs are worth smiling about!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break Continues

The girls and Baba are enjoying their vacation together. They were in Boone the earlier part of this week and got home just in time for warmer weather.
Here they are making their own bird's nest.

The Great Vigil of Easter and Easter Day

O God, who didst make this most holy night to shine with the glory of the Lord's resurrection: Stir up in thy Church that Spirit of adoption which is given to us in Baptism, that we, being renewed both in body and mind, may worship thee in sincerity and truth; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hoppin' Down The Bunny Trail

In what is becoming an annual tradition, the girls and I headed to Aa-Aa's house today for egg dying and an egg hunt. Aa-Aa made all the girls' favorite foods for lunch. Mary Clare had macaroni cheese and "limas" beans and Margaret Rose had boiled eggs, noodles and corn.

After lunch the girls dyed their eggs.

Mary Clare kept checking on her egg but it just wasn't BLUE enough.
Uh Oh! This was humpty dumpty egg- it had a great fall off the counter.
Finally it is blue enough.
Margaret Rose is happy her egg matches her shirt.

After the egg dying the girls put on their spring dresses that we got in China last summer and went outside for an egg hunt. Aa-Aa has the best yard for spring pictures and egg hunts. If your kids step on her plants or pick her flowers or if you have to take out a few daylilies to get the perfect shot, she will not only NOT have you arrested but will actually help you and your egg hunting munchkins. We LOVE Aa-Aa!

Margaret Rose takes her egg hunting seriously. She is after the most eggs; her sister, on the other hand, hunts only those that are blue or are hidden in mulch or otherwise meet whatever strange criteria she has decided on for the day.

After the first round of egg hunting was complete, the girls went inside to enjoy Easter cupcakes. Mary Clare insisted on the way down that Aa-Aa would have cupcakes and darned if she wasn't right. The girls wanted to find the eggs again and Mary Clare told me I could be the Easter bunny. She even insisted I wear her blue bunny ears while I hid the eggs.

Lee wanted to know why I took so many pictures of Mary Clare with mucous on her upper lip. I swear it's cupcake frosting!

I had to include some pictures of Margaret Rose and the wonderful Easter bonnets that they made in Kindergarten. We just love Margaret Rose's teacher-she is loving and patient, creative and kind and has gotten the very best from Margaret Rose this year.