We had our 6 month post placement meeting for Margaret Rose today. We met at our friends' house who were having their first meeting for their newest daughter. We love our social worker. She defines the word efficient which is what let us get Margaret Rose (from seeing her picture to Gotcha Day) in a little over 6 months. The girls enjoyed playing together while we took care of business and then we went over to the mall to see Santa. Margaret Rose has been hearing about Santa for awhile now and seems to be taking it all in stride. Well of course some strange man in a funny suits flies a team of reindeer around the world, lands on your roof, slides down your chimney and leaves you presents - this is America. She loves singing "Here Comes Santa Claus" and routinely admonishes us that "Santa Claus is coming to town!" Mary Clare is another story. She likes the jolly ole elf but only from a distance. She warmed up a little last year on the train trip as they had a fantastic Santa - very low key, quiet and gentle. Last night she was all excited about going to see him but as we got closer today she started to climb up my leg and looked terrified. A told Angi that Anna Lin and MR should go and I'd stay back with MC but she somehow worked her magic and got Anna Lin and MR to hold MC between them and then distracted her until it was their turn. Somehow the influence of big sister and her friend worked and she actually sat on his lap and talked to him. And we even got a picture of her looking at the camera!
So what did our girls ask Santa for? Margaret Rose would like a doll with clothes - pretty clothes please and she mentioned that the doll was cold just in case Santa thought of bringing a naked baby doll. Mary Clare asked for a train, a blue stick with a white hand and a coconut bra - yep you read that right. Hope the reindeer don't mind making a stop in Tahiti before landing in SC.

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