The girls were watching video of a children's choir while I struggled to get Mary Clare's ponytails at least on opposite sides of her head. "Are those China girls?" Mary Clare asks. I glanced up and noticed an Asian girl in the front row. "Well some of them might be but not all, " I answered and went back to trying to corral the wayward ponies once more. "There's a China boy!" MC exclaimed. "We don't have one of those," I commented. "We could go to da hotel (don't all children come from the White Swan) and get a brudder." "NO!" Margaret Rose shouted emphatically. "You don't want a brother?" I asked. Margaret looked puzzled for a minute and then said, "At my China in my house no boys." "Oh, so there aren't any little boys at Huazhou, " I answered catching on. "Just girls no little boys just one big boy," her hands indicated he was a big boy indeed probably the teenager we'd seen in her pictures. So for my girls who apparently think that children all come by way of Huazhou and the White Swan that's the end of the brother discussion. Lee will be so relieved ;-)
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