Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Peep! Peep!

Our Mary Clare had no interest in potty training. "No fanks!" she'd say or "I dont want to be a big girl.", or "I'm a baby. Babies wear diapers." We talked with our pediatrician who told us to give MC a break and quit hasseling her about the diapers. Given her passive-aggressive personality (just like her Mama) and her background, the doc said she'd go to the potty eventually and that we'd only make her dig her heels in harder by making a big deal out it. Well her daycare caregiver told us right before Christmas that MC hardly ever had an accident in her pullup and that maybe we'd want to try panties after Christmas. After some reassuring that she'd still be our baby, MC was fine with it but of course on the condition that she get Thomas panties. The fact that they don't make Thomas underwear for girls was my problem not hers. I was going to give in and just get her the boy underwear but my dear friends reminded me that our drama queen was probably going to have enough to talk about in therapy later on without that as an issue and so the fabulous PoPo came to MC's rescue and sewed Thomas onto little girl panties. I asked her this morning to please try and not pee-pee on Thomas and she replied with, "That would be wude! Thomas would say Peep! Peep! EEWWWW!" and with that she had a perfectly dry day and even put her bm in the toilet tonight. When they got home today Lee was complimenting MC on her accomplishment and Margaret Rose hugged her and said, "Good job Mary Clare! I proud of you!" Gosh I love my girls!
On the way to tippy tap today MC and I were discussing caregivers at her daycare and I asked her who's class she'd like to be in next year. "I going to be in Miss Ragsdale's class at kindergarten with Miss Strickland and Miss Cribb!" she proclaimed. Well this is MR's kindergarten teacher and MC will only be 4 in May. She cried when I told her she couldn't be in Miss Ragsdale's class yet. "But I love Maggie Rose's teacher!!!" she protested. Later on her attention was drawn to a bright yellow volkswagon bug. "Oh mama! That car is cute! It's so plump! It's jolly and plump!" I love her observations on the world.

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