Mama & Popo really dropped the ball on this one folks. When Margaret Rose got up this morning I gave her the clothes she was wearing today and began to finish folding MC's uniforms. I heard her ask from the other room, "Is red for Groundhog's Day?" I asked what she meant and she further inquired if what I had given her were "groundhog day clothes." Well, uh, no. MR: "Where are my groundhog day clothes?" Me:"Well the skirt has some hearts on it. I thought you could wear your clothes with hearts since it's February and Valentine's Day is soon." MR(shocked and slightly put out): "I don't have groundhog day clothes????!!!!"
We'll do better next year.
Tomorrow is Margaret Rose's 100th day of school and it was back to the kitchen for 100 more molasses cookies. I'm beginning to feel like that man in the Dunkin Doughnuts commercial - time to make the doughnuts. I tried to talk her into making 14 cookies that look like the number 100 (cute idea from a teacher at my school) but she, of course, needed cookies just like Mary Clare.
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