Tomorrow's forecast would indicate that the groundhog will surely see his shadow ushering in 6 more weeks of winter, so we took full advantage of the warm afternoon to play outside. The girls spent several hours in their playhouse, on the teeter-totter and in the sandbox. Once back inside Mary Clare found a fandex of dog breeds that prompted them to turn into the bichon twins aka Bella & Miss Fluffypuff. Margaret Rose enjoys a set of reading recovery books that features 2 bichon frises named Bella and Rosie. MR loves the name Bella and so that is her puppy persona. I'm sure no one is surprised that MC thought Rosie was way too pedestrian a dog name for her and so she christened herself Miss Fluffypuff. Their play this afternoon consisted of taking each other for walks, doing dog tricks and a brief trip to the groomers when it was determined that Bella just wasn't quite fluffy enough. At one point the girls decided that they must be dog royalty and insisted on a coronation ceremony hence the headgear in the photo below.

Friday night Lee took the girls to visit Pa & Grandma. They were treated to Mystery Hill on Saturday and it sounds like they had a lot of fun. MC reported that there were lots of "strange mysteries at Mystery Hill." They both liked the bubble exhibit the best. They are also talking about something to do with their shadows but we haven't quite figured that one out yet. Lee had them back home by 8:30 last night. They were wired and when I told them they could "camp" on the living room floor they went bananas. MC declared that they were going to stay up and have "crazy fun" and fall over when they were ready to sleep and that's pretty much what they did.
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