Our dear friend Angi called this morning and suggested a zoo trip. MC summed the weather up best with , "It's such a pleasant day. Isn't it a pleasant day mama?" It was gorgeous. The high of 37 we saw Wednesday was flipped to a high of 73 today. No humidity and plenty of sunshine- not something we see often in our neck of the woods.
Anna Lin and Maggie Rose
(Anna Lin and her family are the only ones allowed to call her that. She LOVES it coming from them - the rest of us get "the look".

Anna Lin has always been very sweet to Mary Clare even when MC didn't fall in to line behind the little general. When Anna Lin first got home from China she gave 2 year old MC a sound verbal thrashing in Mandarin for taking off her shoes at a restaurant. It was hilarious! MC of course ignored her.

Margaret Rose is busy growing out her bangs. She is so proud to have hair!

My Odd Duck- the other girls are such social creatures, holding hands and laughing from exhibit to exhibit. MC does her own thing. She lingers, asks question after question, makes up stories about the animals, pretend to be the animals. She never seems uncomfortable on her own but I've noticed it more and more in social situations. As one professional put it - "Some people march to a different drummer. Mary Clare just has a whole percussion section."

A WATER FOUNTAIN! A WATER FOUNTAIN!!! Such joy in the simple things!
I love how Margaret Rose is helping Anna Lin hold back her ponytail! Margaret Rose adores Anna Lin!

Come on up Maggie Rose!

Wait a minute! Where did her come from??? Looks like Mary Clare's been recruiting for that baby brother she wants. This little guy was so sweet. He just went right up to the girls and joined in. His mom was Asian so I guess they looked like home to him. I really am surprised MC didn't try and take him home.


I really have to get a large lawn sculpture or a large rock for the yard. Apparently they provide endless hours of entertainment. We could hardly tear them away from this poor tortoise.

Everybody slid forward and nearly crushed tiny Autumn!

The animals are cool but a trip to the zoo is not complete without the requisite blue drink.