Well this certainly wasn't how we pictured spending Margaret Rose's first Thanksgiving but we
are very thankful that my Mom (the girls' beloved PoPo) is recovering well and is in good spirits. Mom fell picking MC up from daycare and has broken her hip. They did surgery Wednesday and were able to fix it with pins and are hopeful that that a replacement can be avoided. We are quite put out -okay maybe furious is a better word- with the daycare director who left my mom alone with MC while he went to review his surveillance tapes so that he could assure her that she'd fallen over MC's feet and not the daycare door threshold. I'm sure that made her feel much better as she sat there in pain hoping MC didn't run out the door into the parking lot. The lack of compassion just completely appalls me.

Margaret Rose is in serious need of a hair trim but she refuses to allow us anywhere near her head with the scissors. We took her to Miss Debbie who cuts MC's hair and she wouldn't let her trim it either. She just grabs her head and repeats "long hair, long hair" over and over. So we'll put up with the shaggy look for a bit longer.
The drought situation was brought home for me as we were walking to the car today. It started to sprinkle and MR looked up at the sky and in all seriousness said, "Turn off, peas (please)." Guess we haven't had enough rain for her to even know what it is.

Here's Mary Clare in her wonderful turkey overalls. MR wore them to school earlier in the week so today was MC's turn. And here's MC doing her flat frog imitation to entertain PoPo in the hospital.
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