Friday, November 30, 2007
Getting Better All The Time
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Bad Hair Days


Let's Make a Mermaid
Oh how I love this smile!
Lee and I are alternating days to be home with Mom for awhile. Margaret Rose adores school and is happy to go each day but Mary Clare really dislikes daycare so she is staying home with us and she is deliriously happy. She gets up each morning smiling and brimming with plans for PoPo. She's been wanting to make a clothespin mermaid out of a Chicken Socks book and today was the perfect day! After crafts she helped me cook lunch and while sitting at the table she said, "Mama, this is a fine day!"
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Look who's home!
Yesterday and this morning we were preparing for Mom to be sent from the hospital to a rehabilitation facility for several weeks. Around noon her wonderful doctor came in and asked if she didn't want to just go home. He said the nurses told him that Mom had been up on her own walking in the hall and was doing all the exercies the physical therapist had shown her. He said if she had someone to stay with or someone who could stay with her that she'd be just fine at home since she's so motivated to recover. We moved a twin bed into our den and had her home by 4:00. The girls are THRILLED! Margaret Rose enjoyed having breakfast on the Pooh couch after giving PoPo her tray.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The drought situation was brought home for me as we were walking to the car today. It started to sprinkle and MR looked up at the sky and in all seriousness said, "Turn off, peas (please)." Guess we haven't had enough rain for her to even know what it is.
Here's Mary Clare in her wonderful turkey overalls. MR wore them to school earlier in the week so today was MC's turn. And here's MC doing her flat frog imitation to entertain PoPo in the hospital.
Monday, November 5, 2007
God's children by adoption baptized into his grace
Today was Margaret Rose's baptism. It was a wonderful day and we were happy that so many of those we love came to be part of our sweet girl's initiation into Christ's Body the Church. Both our girls share All Saints' Day as their baptismal day. We sang two of my favorite hymns - For All The Saints and I Sing A Song of the Saints of God- and the choir once again used the descant that Lee wrote for Mary Clare's baptism for the hymn on the way to the baptismal font. Early Sunday morning I was able to show Margaret Rose a video clip of another child being baptised and she watched with great interest. She is an extremely neat child and we were afraid that the water getting all over her clothes would upset her. Before leaving the house we were running through the checklist - camera, bulletins, coats and Margaret piped up with, "I need towel. He gonna wash da hair." Well, I guess that is what it looked like in the clip she saw. During the entire service she showed remarkable poise and was nothing but cooperative. I think her lovely smile says more than I ever could about the signifcance of the day.
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