Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ruby's Wish

It was 1st grade book character dress-up day at Margaret Rose's school and she chose to go as Ruby from Shirin Yim Bridge's Ruby's Wish. She was so excited to wear her beautiful Chinese clothes, her Chinese shoes with roses on them and her hair in 2 knots like the character in the book. We kept getting notes home about how the children really had to know the book and we got very nervous about MR's day. She has a difficult time retelling a story- any story short or long, complicated or simple. She just doesn't have those skills yet and we did not want her embarrassed in front of her peers. We'd been practicing telling the basic point of the story - Ruby wanted to go to college and girls were not sent to school in Ruby's day- for days and Margaret still had a difficult time remembering. I sent an email to her teacher who sent a lovely, reassuring note back stating that she would not allow MR to be embarrassed and that she would help her with the book. Margaret Rose had a fine day dressed as Ruby and we are very grateful for her compassionate teacher who reported that in the end MR actually was able to tell the class that Ruby wanted to go to college and only boys could go. Way to go Ruby and Miss Margaret Rose! The rest of the pictures are of after school at our house - a can-can girl and a dragon doing "homework". Our girls LOVE Halloween but as you can tell other than the trick-or-treating it isn't much different than a regular day at our house.

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