Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's Not Over Until...

I have to start this post by stating the we really do take bad behavior seriously and have high expectations for our girls. That being said Lee called me at school today to report that we'd received a note from daycare stating that Mary Clare had hit, kicked, stuck her tongue out, talked back and refused to sit in time-out. If I've not mentioned it, Mary Clare is our extremist child. Much like the child in Longfellow's poem, when she is good she is very, very good and when she is bad she is horrid. When I got home I took her to her room and told her we had to talk about what happened at daycare. Her lip trembled, she sighed deeply, cast her eyes down and dramatically announced, "I just cannot talk about it!" Before I could think of what to say next she came out with- "But I think I could sing it." And proceeded to do just that complete with a me-me-me to begin, operatic gestures and the dramatic ending of "and then I kicked Miss L...". Her lack of contrition is appalling but her sense of style is priceless. I watched her entire performance without cracking a smile, sentenced her to no stories and cuddle time (may not seem like a lot but is the punishment she hates the most) and then went out in the yard to laugh until I nearly wet myself. We can't decide if we need a therapist or an agent.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Oh my goodness! I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help myself! What a priceless memory this will be!
