Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mom's Spring Break

Mine is one of the very few school district's that decided to have spring break 5 days before spring officially begins. The only good thing is that since Lee's break is next week, Mary Clare gets two weeks off from daycare with the exception of tomorrow's Easter Egg Hunt trip to Fox's Tree Farm. Poor Margaret Rose got sick over the weekend and has spent a few days at home with me. With the exception of about 3 bad hours, you'd never know the child is sick. Wish I had her stamina! We've been doing crafty things and acting out stories and lots of playing outside.
Lee went to the parent conference for Margaret Rose Monday while I took her to the doctor. We've still not decided if she's going to repeat kindergarten or move on to first grade. As her Godmother put it, either decision is a crap shoot and so, on the suggestion of her teacher, we've put off making the decision until the end of the school year. Things are really starting to click with our Maggie Rose- just this weekend she made the connection between the spoken word and the printed word. It was really one of those Patty Duke/Annie Sullivan Miracle Worker moments. But instead of w-a-t-e-r, Margaret Rose's first word was "up". She asked to be picked up and I looked down and saw her little Up, Up, Up book and said something dorky like, "Hey Margaret! This word is "up" and it was like a switch got thrown. She found "up" in the ordo at Mass on Sunday and has been reading to us ever since. I thought it was kind of cosmic that Mary Clare's first spoken word turned out to be her big sister's first word read.

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