Monday, February 18, 2008

Presidents' Day

Poor Baba had to go to work today but all the girls had the day off and we made the most of it. The girls did playdough all morning and made tons of food and animals. Then we went outside and used the sidewalk chalk and planted our pinwheels like flowers. The girls had popcicles and apples. We played at McDonalds playland before taking Mary Clare to tippy tap.
We had an interesting etiquette lesson from Margaret Rose tonight. We had soup for supper and Mary Clare insisted on slurping. I reminded her that it was rude to slurp and then added "in this country". MR jumped right on that and said, "Yes! In my China, we eat very loud. Here I eat quiet - use my good manners."

YIKES! We tried on 5 shirts this morning before finding one that almost fit Maggie Rose. She has had a huge growth spurt. When we met her in China in July she could wear Mary Clare's 2T clothes. Most of the school year she's been pretty solidly in 3s but now she skipped right past most of the 4s and is wearing some 5s. She LOVES pointing out that now she really is the big sister and just laughed herself silly this morning during the shirt search. She'd throw the things that were too small to Mary Clare who would shriek and scream, "No! No! That's pretty.
I don't like pretty!"

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